Weekly Dev Log #2 (Alex Rutishauser)

Hello Everyone!

This is Alex Rutishauser here again giving you an update on week 2 of development for Deadshot! 

Goals for the team this past week: 

  • Get started on main mechanics of Deadshot! in GDevelop (Shooting, Movement, Some Collision for Drops)
  • Fill out and mark down macro sheet 

Which of these Goals have been accomplished by the team? 

  • We accomplished most of what needed to be done in terms of our goals. There's still a lot of experimenting going on with GDevelop but things are slowly coming together as we learn and figure things out. 

What are the team's goals for next week?

  • Continue working and refining game mechanics (specifically wall jumping)
  • Research more about GDevelop and how to implement certain things to help improve the game
  • Port over some custom assets possibly (depending where we're at)

What have you accomplished this past week?

  • I worked on the movement portion of the game while my other teammates worked on the Shooting mechanics and drops (or collision with drops)
  • I'm still experimenting with speed and how fluid the character moves
  • I'm having some difficulty with implementing wall jumping but hope to have it fixed soon

What will you accomplish by next week?

  • What I hope to have accomplished by next week is refine the movement a bit more and figure out how to fix my coding (or events) in GDevelop for wall jumping because I'm having trouble getting it to work properly.
  • Possibly implement custom assets (if not now, then a  later date)
  • Try to get game project files together (Issue with team's work saving together through github)

What Will you need to learn to accomplish these goals? 

  • Research more about GDevelop tools and how to use them to the best of my ability (watch videos on how to implement certain mechanics)
  • Work with professor on possible solutions for saving work, if not then research how to collaborate and save work in GDevelop as a team

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