Weekly Dev Log #5 Alpha Edition! (Alex Rutishauser)

Hello Everyone and Welcome Back!

This is Alex Rutishauser here again giving you an update on week 5 of development for Deadshot! This week will mark the first version of Deadshot! (Alpha)

Goals for the team this past week:

  • Have a proper idea of level design for Deadshot! 
  • Get all essential game mechanics up and running 
  • Fix Camera
  • Work on enemy behavior (AI)
  • Gear up for Alpha Build 

Which of these Goals have been accomplished by the team? 

  • Level Design for Deadshot is complete (Still Subject to Change)
  • Most of the essential game mechanics 
  • Camera is fixed 

What are the team's goals for next week?

  •  Start implementing Core Art and Aesthetics 
  • Fix Enemy Behavior
  • Ensure Series of events in GDevelop occur correctly

What have you accomplished this past week?

  • I redesigned the level for Deadshot! 
  • I managed to get some of the UI elements up and running (Timer, Ammo Counter)
  • Worked on some drops and how they affect other elements of the game (Health, Ammo, Shotgun)
  • Gun behavior/Ammo Counter is working 

What will you accomplish by next week?

  • Ensure that Art is imported and is functioning correctly 
  • Check series of events to ensure that the game flows properly

What Will you need to learn to accomplish these goals? 

  • I'll need to have an idea of how levels are built based off the aesthetic and design we're aiming towards. We want buildings to be a crucial part in our game so the level will need to be built with that in mind.

Playtesting Report for this Week:

What were you playtesting? 

This week we were playtesting a test stage to see how players felt with movement and shooting mechanics. 

What did you want to learn through this playtest?

We wanted to see if the essential shooting and movement mechanics were up to par with player expectations. We also wanted to see how players felt about the level design and if changes needed to be made. 

Who were your playtesters? Do they represent your target audience?

Our playtesters were once again our classmates which could be a potential target audience. 

What did you observe? What did you see when they were playing? Did they interact the way you expected?

I observed that players were having trouble with wall jumping on the platforms so something was wonky with the wall jump behavior or the platform themselves. I noticed instead of wall jumping side to side they would just jump straight up since it was easier to traverse the level that way. 

What questions did you ask your playtesters after they played the game?

I asked if the level design was reasonable with the movement our game had, and if they would change anything in regards to game mechanics.

What feedback did you receive from your players?

One notable piece of feedback players gave us was that the camera made it hard for them to see what was ahead of the level so they could prepare for what came next. 

What, if anything, will you do with that feedback? Did you learn anything?

We will take the feedback heavily into our next update as seen above we've fixed the camera so that it's easier to see what's ahead of the player and we'd like to know if it's easier and better for players in the next playtest. 

Get DeadShot!

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