Weekly Dev Log #6 (Alex Rutishauser)

Hello Everyone and Welcome Back!

This is Alex Rutishauser here again giving you an update on week 6 of development for Deadshot! 

Goals for the team this past week:

  • Fix Enemy Behavior
  • Ensure Series of events in GDevelop occur correctly
  • Make Tweaks in Level Design 
  • HUD elements occur properly

Which of these Goals have been accomplished by the team? 

  • Enemy behavior is working but still needs work
  • Minor tweaks in level design to help accommodate for movement 
  • UI Works as intended 

What are the team's goals for next week?

  • Gear up for Beta
  • Import final art assets
  • Review player feedback and make necessary changes before launch

What have you accomplished this past week?

  • Adjusted part of the level to help maintain momentum in movement 
  • Added Game Over Screen for players to restart the game from scratch
  • Fixed crucial game mechanics such as health, indicators for players when picking up drops (ex: shotgun)
  • Reorganized series of events in GDevelop 

What will you accomplish by next week?

  • Beta Version 
  • Import final art assets to be ready before launch
  • Review enemy behavior 

What Will you need to learn to accomplish these goals? 

  • Ill need to reevaluate how the series of events are organized and see if there's any faults that's making the game act up in certain areas.

Playtesting Report for this Week:

What were you playtesting? 

We playtested a early version of our Alpha build with a complete level.

What did you want to learn through this playtest?

We wanted to learn if level design was acceptable and in a good state, if the camera worked better, how we could improve enemy behavior.

Who were your playtesters? Do they represent your target audience?

Our playtesters were our classmates as usual for this week. 

What did you observe? What did you see when they were playing? Did they interact the way you expected?

 I observed some bugs in our game that I knew needed to be addressed and fixed, and I also noticed that a lot of the basic UI/mechanics for our game wasn't present for players to understand what was going on.  They interacted the way I expected them to which is good since it means that the player does't struggle understanding the movement aspect of Deadshot!

What questions did you ask your playtesters after they played the game?

Does the level progression (or design of the level) feel reasonable? Is it too long or too short?

Does the camera feel better than the last build? If not what can be improved

Does movement of the sprite feel reasonably smoother now than before? 

What feedback did you receive from your players?

-First wall to get up was challenging 

-Maybe implement slopes to maintain speed in levels

-Camera is still somewhat of an issue despite changes

-Player need to be slower or the bullets need to be faster (Player is faster than the bullets) 

What, if anything, will you do with that feedback? Did you learn anything?

We will absolutely take this feedback into consideration as any feedback we receive we believe will make the game better

Get DeadShot!

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