Weekly Dev Blog (The Final Farewell)

Hello Everyone!

Before I start this devblog, I just want to thank everyone that's been following us along this journey during development for Deadshot! I greatly appreciate you all taking the time to read about our work and the feedback you gave us to make this game as good as it can be. I also want to congratulate my other classmates on their work and managing to get through development of their respective games. I'm looking forward to what you've all accomplished as a team. And now, the final devblog... 

Goals for the team this past week:

  • Import more art assets to Deadshot
  • Attempted to fix animation for sprite
  • Enemy Behavior fixes

Which of these Goals have been accomplished by the team? 

  • We managed to import more art into the game giving it more character and a different vibe to the gameplay.
  • There's still some trouble with animation which will need to be looked into heavily
  • Some enemy behavior fixes

What are the team's goals for next week?

  • Have game fully ready to showcase for Hostos Arcade
  • Crunch whatever is left for the game

What have you accomplished this past week?

  • Imported more art into the level and game
  • Slightly fixed animation (Still having trouble adjusting bug where character slides while running after jumping)

What will you accomplish by next week?

  • Everything is set in place (Assets and Everything)
  • Polish any rough edges (Bugs and behaviors)
  • Look into drop rewards (Possibly reward players when killing enemies, but it's TBD at the moment)

What Will you need to learn to accomplish these goals? 

  • Play the game on its own and write notes on anything I notice is off and prioritize those specific issues. 

Playtesting Report for this Week:

What were you playtesting? 

We were playtesting our Beta build from over the break. 

What did you want to learn through this playtest?

We wanted to know if the game was missing anything else and if certain changes needed to be made and if some of the improvements we made were a welcome addition. 

Who were your playtesters? Do they represent your target audience?

Our playtesters were our classmates. 

What did you observe? What did you see when they were playing? Did they interact the way you expected?

I observed that audio was a little loud in some areas which made it distracting at times. I also noticed players found jumping challenging with the speed of the character which was interesting considering some other people didn't have any difficulty. The response to the changes were positive compared to our Alpha. 

What questions did you ask your playtesters after they played the game?

-Did anything feel off during gameplay?

-What can be added to improve the game at this stage?

What feedback did you receive from your players?

-The response to the changes we made from Alpha were positive which is great, but it wasn't perfect. 

-Animation for sprite is still an issue (makes the game look wonky and buggy)

What, if anything, will you do with that feedback? Did you learn anything?

As always we will review feedback given from class to help make Deadshot better and have it in a better state before the official launch at the Hostos Arcade. 

Get DeadShot!

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