Weekly Development Log #7 (Jose Gonzalez)

Hey everyone ! I’m Jose and welcome to the beta devlog of our game, DeadShot!. This is the seventh devlog. 

Goals for the team this past week:

  • Preparing our build for the beta.
  • Adding many sounds to make the game feel a bit more alive. 
  • Improving our level design.
  • Go over the enemy behavior. 

Which of these Goals have been accomplished by the team? 

  • We’ve implemented sounds this week.
  • Worked on more art assets for our game.
  • Made tweaks to the level. 

What are the team's goals for next week?

  • Receive feedback from my fellow classmates to see what needs to be worked on. 
  • Adding even more assets into our beta build.

What have you accomplished this past week?

  • I’ve implemented the sounds such as the gunshots. 
  • I imported the music that Brandon had originally made. 
  • I placed the hallway interiors that were made by Brandon. 

What will you accomplish by next week?

  • I need to work on the boss’ movement. Whenever he moves, he tends to clip through the growing which is an issue.
  • Add even more assets into our project. 
  • Polish up a lot of things.

What will you need to learn to accomplish these goals? 

  • I need to continue to research even more about the enemy AI movement. 
  • I’ll await for Brandon to continue to cook up even more assets for our game. 

Get DeadShot!

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