Weekly Development Log #6 (Jose Gonzalez)

Hello everyone ! Welcome back to DeadShot!

I’m Jose Gonzalez and I will be delivering the week six development of our game , DeadShot!.

Goals for the team this past week:

  • Working on the enemy behaviors.
  • Level design adjustments. 
  • Enemy and item placements. 
  • Meeting up more frequently and putting more hours into our meetings.

Which of these Goals have been accomplished by the team?

  • Added enemy behavior. However, it still needs to be heavily worked on.
  • Implementing a proper health mechanic for Agent Stickman. 
  • Slight level tweaks and design. 
  • A proper UI.

What are the team's goals for next week?

  • Prepare ourselves for the beta of our game. 
  • Listening to player feedback and taking notes on what needs to be worked on. 
  • Meet more often to work together and communicate a lot more on this project. 

What have you accomplished this past week?

  • I redrew the health bar for Agent Stickman and implemented it into our assets. As well as add the variables for it.
  • I also drew the health bars for the enemies into the game. They’re color coded just for that aesthetic flavor. 
  • I worked on the enemies’ path finding. They now move towards the player and shoot, but the movement still needs plenty of work. 

What will you accomplish by next week?

  • Getting ready for the beta version of our build and seeing how it comes together.
  • Importing a lot more art assets into our project. 
  • Work on the enemy behavior and its health system. 
  • Meet with my fellow teammates in order to work on our project together and share our ideas around. 
  • Receiving more feedback from players. 

What will you need to learn to accomplish these goals? 

  • I need to do some more research on the enemy health system. The videos I’ve been watching are unfortunately outdated, so I need to ask for some assistance in this area. 

Playtesting Report for this Week:

What were you playtesting? 

  • I playtested the alpha build of our game to see if everything was working as intended. I mainly focused on health and seeing if it would go down when the enemies’ attacked the player. 

What did you want to learn through this playtest?

  • The way the enemies move feels pretty buggy at the moment. I wanna try and make them consistent with their overall movement. 

Who were your playtesters? Do they represent your target audience?

  • Our playtesters were fellow classmates. 

What did you observe? What did you see when they were playing? Did they interact the way you expected?

  • I did spot some weird bugs in our game. We didn’t have any enemies move just yet and I watched some classmates play through our build of the level so far. 

 What questions did you ask your playtesters after they played the game?

  • How does shooting feel?
  • How does the movement feel?
  • Do the platforms feel right?

What feedback did you receive from your players?

  • The camera was a problem whenever the players moved left.
  • The shooting was way too slow.
  • The level design didn’t contain proper momentum. 
  • Giving the enemies and players some health.
  • Implement enemy behaviors.

What, if anything, will you do with that feedback? Did you learn anything?

  • I will work on the enemy behaviors and make sure that they work as intended.
  • Adjust the bullet speed to a proper level. 
  • Make sure that the level design keeps that momentum going (using Sonic the Hedgehog levels as sort of a reference). 

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